According to a report released by FreightWatch International, a total of 199 cargo thefts occurred nationally from December 2012 to February 2013. This represents a 20% decrease from the month of September through November 2012. The average load value of the goods stolen during December through February 2013 was $133,711. Compared to the thefts during the period from September to November 2012, this is a 39% drop. Furthermore, this is an even more significant decrease from 2009’s average value of stolen loads, which was $500,000.
Types of loads stolen:
- 25% food and drink loads
- 13% electronic loads
- 10% loads of metal
- 10% loads of pharmaceuticals
States in which cargo thefts occurred the most:
- Florida
- Texas
- Georgia
- California
- New Jersey
Places in which thefts mostly occurred:
- 61 % in unsecured parking
- 9% in facility thefts
Forms of thefts:
- Trailer thefts (132 loads stolen)
- Deceptive pickups (15 loads)
How to Protect Your Cargo:
Cargo theft can be avoided through careful planning of the route the driver intends to take. Drivers should be aware of which lots offer the best security for when they rest. A lot with surveillance cameras is ideal.
Keep trucks and cargo locked. GPS tracking tools can help find the location of the stolen vehicle. Vehicle immobilization technology can be used to temporarily disable a stolen truck and help in its recovery.
Lastly, know the carrier and driver scheduled to pick up your cargo. Verify their identity. Since cargo theft is often carried out with inside help, screening and training employees is crucial.